Ultrasonic Scalers

Angela Valencia
10 min readJun 11, 2024

Welcome to our roundup of the top Ultrasonic Scalers on the market! Don’t let those pesky plaque deposits stand a chance. Our selection of scalers harnesses the power of ultrasonic technology to provide quick, painless, and deep cleaning. Ready to step up your oral health game? Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the world of Ultrasonic Scalers.

The Top 6 Best Ultrasonic Scalers

  1. Dowell Piezo Ultrasonic Dental Scaler — Dental Care Tool — The Dowell Dental Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler UNIT-PIEZOART P-6 offers a powerful, portable, and lightweight solution for scaling, with adjustable power settings, water pressure compatibility, and a user-friendly design.
  2. Upgraded Nsxxkj Ultrasonic Scaler for Teeth Tartar and Calculus Removal — Say goodbye to dental plaque and tartar with the NSXXKJ Ultrasonic Scaler, a painless and efficient teeth beauty instrument.
  3. Woodpecker DTE D5 LED Ultrasonic Scaler — The Woodpecker DTE D5 LED Ultrasonic Scaler offers a comfortable and effective dental cleaning solution with FDA approval.
  4. DearBeauty Ultrasonic Scaler Teeth Cleaning Kit — Plaque and Tartar Remover — Experience a safe and gentle teeth cleaning with DearBeauty Ultrasonic Scaler, featuring high-frequency vibration technology, adjustable modes, and waterproof convenience.
  5. Electric Plaque Remover: Ultrasonic Tooth Cleaner with LED Display and Safe Materials — Hailicare Electric Plaque Eraser: A secure, ultrasonic oral cleaning device meticulously engineered for seamless removal of dental plaque, enhancing breath freshness, while significantly cutting down on dental appointment expenses.
  6. Central Machinery 2.5 Liter Ultrasonic Cleaner for Scaling — This Central Machinery 2.5-liter Ultrasonic Cleaner effortlessly cleans hardware, fasteners, small metal parts, and jewelry with easy preset cycles, while offering noise reduction and a compact, visually appealing design.

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Dowell Piezo Ultrasonic Dental Scaler — Dental Care Tool

The Dowell Dental Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler UNIT-PIEZOART P-6 is an impressive tool, perfect for those in demanding scaling environments. The compact size and lightweight design make it easy to transport and ideal for on-the-go use. The built-in power setting knob allows users to adjust the power output to their desired level, providing a personalized experience.

One of the standout features of this scaler is its versatility, with the option to operate at either 25KHz or 30KHz and a power supply available in 115Volts or 230 Volts. Despite its small size, the P-6 is powerful and boasts a water supply of 25–60Psi (172–414kPA) and a dimension of 7.68" x 3.38" x 3.27". The handpiece cable length is 8.52 feet, and the footswitch cable length is also 8.52 feet.

I’ve had the opportunity to use this scaler in various environments, and it’s held up well, even in less-than-ideal conditions. It operates smoothly at temperatures ranging from 0–140 degrees F and relative humidity levels of 10–90% (non-condensing). The system also comes with 4 tips and 1 plastic wrench in the US, and 3 tips and 1 plastic wrench in other regions. Overall, the Dowell Dental Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler UNIT-PIEZOART P-6 is a reliable and robust tool for dental professionals seeking an ultrasonic scaler that provides exceptional performance and portability.

Upgraded Nsxxkj Ultrasonic Scaler for Teeth Tartar and Calculus Removal

Introducing the sleek and versatile NSXXKJ Ultrasonic Scaler, an electric toothbrush that offers a high-frequency tartar and calculus removal experience. This beautifully designed toothbrush is perfect for those seeking a convenient and efficient dental care solution. Its non-food grade material ensures a durable and long-lasting performance, while the 200m rated current and 3.7V rated voltage provide the necessary power to effectively tackle plaque buildup.

Although no user reviews are available yet, the potential benefits of this unique toothbrush make it a promising addition to any oral care routine.

Woodpecker DTE D5 LED Ultrasonic Scaler

The Woodpecker DTE D5 LED Ultrasonic Pizeo Scaler offers an efficient solution for dental professionals. Its high-quality design includes a detachable HD-7L handpiece and comes equipped with 6 tips, making it perfect for scaling, perio, and endo functions.

The digital control with automatic frequency tracking ensures easy operation, while the comfortable scaling feature adds a touch of comfort for patients. FDA approved and suitable for dental calculus elimination and root canal treatment, this scaler is a reliable choice for dental professionals.

The product has a rating of 4.6, with 5 reviews, and while it has received mixed feedback from users, the majority of them find it convenient and useful in their work.

DearBeauty Ultrasonic Scaler Teeth Cleaning Kit — Plaque and Tartar Remover

Recently, I had the opportunity to try out Dearbeauty’s Ultrasonic Scaler Plaque Removal Kit, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. At first, I was a bit hesitant with its powerful vibrations, but once I got the hang of it, it became my go-to tool for maintaining dental health.

What really stood out for me was the high-frequency vibration technology. It took some getting used to, but once I found the perfect angle, it felt like I was getting the deepest clean I’ve had in a while. One thing that impressed me was how the scaler only worked on teeth or hard objects and stopped vibrating when it reached my gums. It gave me an extra layer of safety and peace of mind.

The beginner-friendly design was a big plus, with its 3 adjustable modes and removable cleaning heads, the Ultrasonic Scaler was a breeze to use. Another pro was its rechargeable battery, which was convenient and easy to recharge using Type C USB.

The only downside I found was that it was a bit messy when it came time to clean the waterproof and hygienic teeth tarter cleaner. But overall, Dearbeauty’s Ultrasonic Scaler Plaque Removal Kit was a great addition to my dental hygiene routine.

Electric Plaque Remover: Ultrasonic Tooth Cleaner with LED Display and Safe Materials


Imagine having a device that not only effectively cleans your teeth but also has a charming, easy-to-use design. Well, that’s exactly what the HailiCare Dental Calculus Remover offers you! This ultrasonic tooth cleaner, designed for both children and adults, is equipped with 5 intensity levels to cater to different needs and preferences.

Made from medical alloy steel and food-grade silicone, this device ensures a safe and comfortable cleaning experience. The tooth cleaner can effectively remove dental plaque, calculus, tartar, tobacco stains, and coffee stains — all while keeping your oral cavity healthy and fresh. Additionally, the product is waterproof with an IPX6 grade, making it safe for use in the bathroom. Plus, you just need a USB charging cable to recharge your device!

With a compact and lightweight design, this dental calculus remover is the perfect solution for those seeking a more cost-effective alternative to professional teeth cleaning. Moreover, the added accessories like extra replaceable heads for the hook-like cleaner and a flat cleaning head, make it a versatile and convenient choice for regular teeth cleaning routines.

So, if you’re looking for a portable and efficient dental cleaner that doesn’t break the bank, the HailiCare Electric Plaque Remover is definitely worth considering.

Central Machinery 2.5 Liter Ultrasonic Cleaner for Scaling


I recently had the chance to try out the Central Machinery 2.5 Liter Ultrasonic Cleaner, and let me tell you, it’s made quite an impression on me. This neat little machine effortlessly tackles tough cleaning jobs, leaving hardware, fasteners, small metal parts, and even jewelry looking sparkling clean.

One feature that stood out for me was the versatility of this cleaner. It works with or without heat, allowing me to clean a wide range of items, from delicate jewelry to oily car parts. And that clear view window? Talk about a game-changer — it lets you see the cleaning power in action, giving you a sense of just how efficiently the ultrasonic cleaner does its job.

However, there were a couple of downsides I noticed. First, the lack of temperature modulation made it a bit more challenging to use for prolonged cleaning cycles. I also found the noise level a bit higher than I would have liked, but it didn’t bother me too much during my daily cleaning routine.

Overall, the Central Machinery Ultrasonic Cleaner is a compact, visual-appeal powerhouse that’s easy to use and provides a top-notch clean. While there are a few drawbacks, I’m confident that this little gem will make a valuable addition to any cleaning toolkit.

Buyer’s Guide

An ultrasonic scaler is a dental tool used to remove tartar, buildup, and stains from teeth. The scaler uses ultrasonic vibrations to break down and dislodge the buildup efficiently. When shopping for an ultrasonic scaler, there are several key features to consider and some general advice to follow. This buyer’s guide will help you make an informed decision.

Frequency Settings

Ultrasonic scalers have different frequency settings that determine how quickly the vibrations are emitted. Higher frequency settings will be more efficient at removing buildup but may also generate more heat. Find a scaler with adjustable frequency settings so you can adapt to various patient needs and comfort levels during treatment.

Water Cooling System

Ultrasonic scalers can generate heat during use. A water cooling system helps dissipate this heat, preventing the device from overheating and ensuring a comfortable treatment for patients. Make sure your chosen scaler has an effective cooling system in place to maintain patient comfort and safety during procedures.

Handpiece Design

The handpiece design of an ultrasonic scaler is crucial for its effectiveness and user comfort. Comfortable ergonomics, lightweight construction, and balanced design can help make the procedure more comfortable for both the patient and dentist. Inspect the handpiece design of the scaler you’re considering to ensure it meets high quality standards.

Maintenance and Cleaning

A well-maintained and clean ultrasonic scaler is essential for optimal performance and to avoid potential infections during treatment. Choose a scaler with user-friendly maintenance and cleaning features, such as easy access to components and self-cleaning capabilities. Additionally, ensure the device is compatible with recommended cleaning solutions and protocols for hygiene purposes.


What is an ultrasonic scaler?

An ultrasonic scaler is a dental tool designed to remove dental deposits, such as calculus and plaque, from the surface of teeth. The device uses ultrasonic vibrations to quickly and efficiently remove the deposits, making it an effective option for deep cleaning and preventing dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay.

Ultrasonic scalers are versatile and can be used in various dental procedures, including root canal treatments, scaling, and periodontal therapy. They are popular among dental professionals due to their ability to provide quick, efficient, and thorough cleaning in just a few applications, thereby reducing treatment times for patients.

How does an ultrasonic scaler work?

An ultrasonic scaler works through a process called cavitation. It involves the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical movement. When the device is in operation, a vibrating piezoelectric element inside the handpiece creates high-frequency sound waves, which are then transmitted to the tip of the scaler. This generates tiny cavitation bubbles in the saline solution or water used to fill the scaling cup.

These cavitation bubbles rapidly expand and contract, creating a rapid and intense movement of liquid surrounding the scaling tip. This rapid movement causes the dental deposits to be dislodged and removed from the tooth surface. In addition, the ultrasonic vibrations can penetrate deep into the pockets and furrows of the teeth and gums, where it is difficult to reach with traditional scalers.

Why should I choose an ultrasonic scaler over a traditional scaler?

While traditional scalers are effective at removing dental deposits, ultrasonic scalers offer several advantages that make them a better choice for many patients and dental professionals. Firstly, ultrasonic scalers work more efficiently and quickly, often removing buildup in just a few minutes, compared to traditional scalers that can take longer.

Secondly, ultrasonic scalers can reach deeper into pockets and furrows of the teeth and gums, making them more effective in removing calculus and plaque from difficult-to-reach areas. This is particularly important for patients with advanced gum disease or deep pockets around their teeth, where traditional scaling methods may not be enough.

Is an ultrasonic scaler safe for teeth and gums?

Yes, ultrasonic scalers are generally safe for teeth and gums when used by a trained dental professional. The device is specifically designed to operate at a safe frequency, reducing the risk of damage to tooth enamel or the surrounding gum tissue. The tips of the scalers are also made from high-quality materials that are smooth and gentle on the teeth and gums.

However, it is still essential that the ultrasonic scaler is used by a qualified dental professional to ensure its proper functioning and to minimize any potential risks or complications. Additionally, patients should communicate with their dentist if they experience any discomfort or concerns during the procedure.

What are some factors to consider when purchasing an ultrasonic scaler?

When purchasing an ultrasonic scaler, consider the following factors: the device’s frequency and power output, the safety features, such as an automatic shut-off feature and protective shielding for the scaler tip, and the scaler’s compatibility with various dental tips and attachments. Additionally, consider the device’s reliability, ease of use, and durability for long-term use.

It is also essential to research and choose a reputable brand with a good track record for quality and support. Finally, consult with your dental professional to determine the specific features and functionality that are most important for your practice or personal use, as they will have the best understanding of your needs and preferences.

How effective are ultrasonic scalers compared to other dental cleaning methods?

Ultrasonic scalers are more effective than traditional hand scalers in removing dental deposits due to their rapid, mechanical movement and the ability to reach difficult-to-clean areas. The process of cavitation generates a powerful, concentrated movement that helps to break up and remove calculus and plaque more efficiently than traditional scalers.

Furthermore, ultrasonic scalers are less likely to cause damage to tooth enamel or soft tissue, as the vibrations are not as abrasive as other cleaning methods. This results in a more comfortable experience for the patient and long-term benefits for the health of their teeth and gums. Overall, ultrasonic scalers offer an effective, efficient, and generally safe option for dental cleaning and maintenance.

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